Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

So, you’re finally going on vacation. Congratulations! It has probably been a long time since your last vacay. But that means you have to call the airlines, set up the hotel room, book dinner reservations, and buy tickets for the show. That sounds like a lot of work, and it is. Your expectations are high and a lot of effort is put into making everything just so. But what happens when your perfect vacay is interrupted by an accident or another unfortunate event?

The Role of Travel Agencies

Travel agencies are great, because they can score you tons of amenities, extras, and perks you probably would not get on your own. Agents literally book hundreds of vacations a year, and are in regular contact with hotel managers, the concierge desk, and the manager at the to-die-for penthouse spa. In other words, they have connections. And you can directly benefit from those connections. 

Probably even more important, travel agents often provide travel insurance.

What Is Travel Insurance And What Does It Cover?

A travel agent may encourage you to get travel insurance. The agent often has a qualified insurance agent on staff or can otherwise direct you to a third-party that can provide you with an insurance plan. Travel insurance usually covers:

 • Trip cancellations or interruptions, including flights

 • Lost luggage

 • Rental car

 • Medical emergencies and emergency evacuations

 • Accidental death

It’s important to recognize the difference between travel assistance and travel insurance. Travel assistance is not the same thing as travel insurance. Insurance is more comprehensive; travel assistance programs provide travelers with a toll-free number to call in case of emergencies, but that is about it.

What Doesn’t Travel Insurance Cover?

Of course, there are some things travel insurance may not cover, such as

 • Injury during extreme sports, like skydiving

 • Accidents that occur when the policyholder is impaired by drugs or alcohol

 • Pregnant women

 • Travel to countries listed in the U.S. State Departments Do Not Travel List

These restrictions mean if you take an African Safari vacation to a country on the travel department’s advisory list, you probably won’t be covered. Ditto if you decide to swim with the manatees in the Florida Gulf, but have a heart condition that leads to a medical event. The bottom line is you should be honest and comprehensive about your physical limitations and travel plans when selecting an insurance plan. 

Accidents And Personal Injury

No matter how hard you try to avoid mishap and injury on vacation, unfortunately, accidents can and do happen. But that’s okay! Programs and procedures are in place to help you if you know how to take advantage of them. Before embarking on your trip, you may want to include a list of area professionals just in case. That way, you have a team on your side, so you can relax and enjoy the surf and sand rather than worry about the what-ifs.

If one or one of your loved ones is injured while you’re vacationing in Florida, for example, a Clearwater personal injury lawyer can be of immense help. A good lawyer will work to ensure that medical bills, lost time at work, and pain and suffering are compensated in case of negligence caused loss. 

Legal professionals will inform you of your rights as a traveler, so you will be well-advised when taking next steps. With a little forethought and planning, you can sit back and enjoy the relaxing vacation you deserve. Round of golf, anyone?

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