Wed. Feb 19th, 2025
Web Design And Development Trends

With the reach of technology to the masses, people become increasingly empowered to start their businesses and become entrepreneurs. Great ideas are coming unprecedentedly from diverse corners of the world and disrupting the market. One such example of that would be the increasing number of companies using node.js for web design and development. With consumer behavior also becoming volatile, we have to admit that the market is getting more competitive by the day. Amidst all the run to outdo the competition, what gives business owners a sense of direction and benchmark are the trends that arrive and dominate every year. 2021 is no exception as far as web designing and development is concerned, and in this post, we will explore some of the trends you need to be aware of this year.

This compilation will not only give you an idea of what your competitors are doing but what you need to do to cater to the market and consumer requirements consistently and, if possible, steer ahead of your competition in your niche.

So, let’s get started.

Web Design And Development Trends 2021

Voice Search

The use of screens to access information, make online purchases, and execute commands is becoming obsolete by the day. With today’s gadgets rolling out with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs, users find it extremely easy to command their devices or use dictation to perform their preferred actions. From ordering their virtual assistant speakers to play a particular song or complete an Amazon order, voice searches and commands gradually become norms. If you’re a business owner, you cannot afford to overlook this trend for 2021, as reports reveal that over 30% of the searches online will be voice-based.

So, to join the bandwagon and cater to your voice-search audiences, target voice-specific keywords, optimize content for voice search results, tailor the way you would present content, strategize voice search optimization plans and do more. You can have an edge in your market if yours is one of the first businesses to become voice search-ready.

Web Push Notifications

We are all familiar with push notifications for smartphones and other portable devices. From announcing new product arrivals to offering personalized discounts on cart abandonment, marketers and businesses have been making good use of push notifications. However, this has been immensely one-sided. Brands that do well with mobile push notifications often fail to leverage the potential of web push notifications.

This year, it is time to correct that. Web push notifications are ideal for getting your consumers’ and audiences’ attention and making way for engagement who are not on their phones. You could send out announcements about a new blog post, a video, replenishment of your inventory, latest deals, offers, and more directly to your users’ browsers. An avenue to interact with your audience, web push notifications need to be explored more.

Progressive Web Apps

We all know that an average human being spends most of the time on their phones. Now, this might appear to be a good starting point for businesses to develop apps and roll them out. However, we should focus on here that apps take up space, and there are currently two things in demand among consumers – their attention and a space for your app in their storage devices.

Consumers often find it hard to decide which app they should use and which one to uninstall whenever there’s a storage crunch. To prevent your app from becoming the one to kick the bucket, we recommend going for Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

These are nothing less than a revolution in web designing and web app development services, where you offer a native app-like experience to your consumers without having to get your app downloaded, stored, or updated frequently. From a technical perspective, PWAs are websites that look, feel and perform like apps, offering compatibility with services like push notifications, device hardware access, and more. An excellent way to be omnipresent on your users’ devices, right?

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Statistics reveal that close to 39% of the consumers would abandon a website if it takes too much time to load. If your website is feature-rich and loads slowly, it could attract more bounce rates, which is not suitable for SEO. To tackle this concern, Google launched Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) way back in 2015, aiming to make websites swift and smooth across devices. With AMPs, your website could load in less than 2 seconds, giving you an SEO boost as well.

At this point, you need to understand that an AMP is different from a website that has been merely optimized for mobile devices. AMP is an open-source framework that requires building websites that function for speed. Only the most essential elements are retained and presented to visitors.

Also, Google simply loves AMPs, and it will rank such pages higher than mobile-optimized websites.

Wrapping Up

Apart from these, what will trend this year are chatbots and motion UI. Depending on your business niche and budget, implement these trends and become accessible to your target audiences. Also, carefully lay down goals and requirements when it comes to implementing trends. You don’t want to simply join the bandwagon for the sake of competition with ultimately zero RoI. So, consider this as a point of reference, get consulted, and explore the trends for your advantage.

Good luck!

Author Bio –

Hardik Shah is a Tech Consultant at Simform, a leading software development company. He leads large scale mobility programs that cover platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices. Connect with him to discuss the best practices of software methodologies @hsshah_.

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